Evony Growth Guide for All Player Spend Levels
Phase 1: Downloaded the Game Phase - K1 to K14
Grow your castle. Follow exactly what the requirements are to grow your castle and do not build any extra buildings. Join an alliance and join every monster rally you can.
- Free to Play: Avoid using gems as much as possible, avoid doing small monsters. Look for speedup boxes dropped by fenrirs.
- Moderate Spender: Larger alliances likely will not accept you until you grow bigger. Buy packs only on weekends and only buy packs that indicate large percentage gains (e.g. 18,000% to 25,000% bonuses). The $5 packs on the weekend will be the best bang for your buck, but you will also want the generals that come from the $100 packs if you can afford them as soon as possible. Consider doing the big spender approach for two "garden" events and then pulling back on your spending.
- Big Spender: Focus on buying out the "ladder", which is $5, 10, $20, $50, $100 but then you can also purchase six of the $100 pack. Try and complete the first "garden" event, which on Tier 6 should give you a very strong sub general (hopefully Cnut). Generally spending above completing the first garden won't be worth it and the other packs are not a good price. This should get you to around K27 to K30. Focus on keep level first. Make sure to pick up Cnut every time he's in the garden as you will want eight of him. Completing each garden will cost around $1200.
Phase 2: Farming Only Growth Phase - K14 to K25
During this phase only build enough troops to farm with, otherwise, continue following the keep upgrade path. Fill in your empty resource tiles to gain passive resources. Big to moderate spenders will likely skip straight to K25+ on the first few days.
Your beginner protection will drop as you grow, be sure to use a Truce Agreement (bubble) whenever possible.
New server players should look for Purple and Yellow sub-cities as soon as possible.
- Free to Play: Build only enough siege machines to farm RSS tiles. Make sure to focus on Advancement on the research tab whenever possible and avoid fighting if at all possible.
- Moderate Spender: Focus on advancement on the research tab and any mounted attack research available. If your alliance is brand new and does not have boss hunters, build calvary at T10 (K25). However, avoid building more than 200k as you will outgrow these quickly.
- Big Spender: Focus on research and construction as much as possible and max out as much as possible. If your server is not ready for Vikings then considering levying for Gold on your keep. This will help you gain strong research. Your goal is to hit K25 and build enough troops to start taking Epic (yellow) sub-cities as soon as possible, focusing on either Japan and Russia for combat or Korea and China for growth.
Phase 3: Troop Training Growth Phase - K25 to K33
The time spent in this phase will vary based on spend. The number of troops you build in this phase will depend on patience, but it's recommended you wait until K30 and unlock T12 before building too many troops. If you are your alliance's sole rallier then you may need to build troops earlier.
Roll in Tavern - once you hit K30 you will also want to upgrade your tavern to level 30 and roll for Baibars x5 and Queen Jindeok x5 as your top priority for all levels of players.
Save for Consumption Events - Every four weeks ago there's a huge RSS consumption event. Make sure to only spend during this time as you'll need 5 billion of each RSS to get maximum rewards. After the event completes, four days later there will be a speed-up event. Wait until that event to speed up your big builds.
Save refining stones - Do not use your refining stones until you unlock Forge 33 and/or begin upgrading Ares gear at Forge 30.
- Free to Play: Most free-to-play players will want to look for Li Shimin in the tavern if they want to PVP or Takeda in the tavern if they want to run more rallies. At this point, you need to decide one path and stick to it.
- Moderate Spender: Depending on spend, you may also want to specialize in a specific troop type and continue growing your keep to K33 as quickly as possible. Archers are generally going to be the PVP choice.
- Big Spender: You can rush K35 at this point or take some time to build troops at K33 and round out your buildings. Nearly every building will be required and if you want to be a big player then you will eventually need every troop type.
Phase 4: Battle Phase K33 to K35
This is the big troop-building phase for most players as K33 to K35 will take quite a long time. If you have patience then the optimal plan is to only do construction until you can unlock Academy 35 and a sixth march, but this takes a very long time.
Otherwise, most players will opt to stay close to their hospital capacity and limit their troops to 2 to 3 marches worth so that they can "ghost" and keep their troops safe.
Make Forge 33
Continue building during consumption events.
- Free to Play: If you have the patience, consider skipping the battle phase and going straight to K35 and unlocking your 6th march. This will ultimately generate you more RSS in the long run. Forge 33 is very expensive and very powerful, but only if you plan on fighting.
- Moderate Spender: Forge 33 is a much bigger upgrade to your fighting power than K35. If you want to fight, make sure to unlock Forge 33 and begin working on your general gear.
- Big Spender: Round out your troops, once you hit T12 and T13 units, building about a million of each tier will be helpful and greatly prepare you for the last phase.
Phase 5: Defense Phase K35
Once you hit K35 and unlock all the troop tiers, it's time to create your defensive force. It will vary on how long it took you to get here, but ultimately the end-game goals are the same for any level of spend. However, the targets you choose to hit will vary.
- Max specialty your best generals using runestones
- Build at least one million troops of every type and every tier
- Fully gear and refine your generals
- Fully gear your sub-city generals with debuff gear
- Max out your research
- Build a massive (100s of millions) T1 mounted cavalry wall
- Build enough high tier siege to avoid getting siege bombed to death
- Complete all T15 and Research
- Build lots of farms
- Unlock all-star dragons and Nidhogg
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