Lost and confused about what SVS (server vs server) is? Look no further! We've digested everything you need to know below into a quick and dirty FAQ. If you have any additional questions feel free to ask in the comments section below!Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When is the first server war?
A: About a week after battlefields first open, which occurs after the Poem of History is complete and fenrirs stop spawning.
Q: Who do we fight in the first server war?
A: Generally you will fight the server directly in front or in back of you in number. After that, it will be random but based on your server war rank.
Q: How often is SVS?
A: Once every two weeks.
Q: How long is SVS?
A: Three days, starting from Friday night (USA time) ending Sunday night.
Q: Can my troops die during server wars?
Q: Can we lose monarch competition and still win server war?
A: Yes, the monarch competition is independent from the server war. The kill event does not start until Saturday but server war points start accumulating on Friday.
Q: What's the point of the monarch competition?
A: Winning the server monarch competition gives you bonus loot and is a good team-building exercise.
Q: Can my troops die during server wars?
A: Yes, but any troops that die can be revived using Source of Life, purchasable in the gem shop.
Q: Can my sub-cities be stolen during server wars?
A: Only by your own server, enemy servers can remove your ownership of subs by hitting them 10x but cannot take them.
Q: How do I get to the enemy server?
A: Either use a server teleport scroll that's sent to you by mail or go to the enemy server and select "Server Teleport". This will teleport you to a random spot on the enemy server.
Q: Can I get more server teleport scrolls?
A: If you have no server teleports left then go to the enemy server and select "Server Teleport" on any empty square, this will consume one of your regular teleport scrolls.
Q: Can I bubble on the enemy server?
A: After your initial red bubble disappears, you cannot bubble again. To protect your troops you will need to ghost them on either a monster or an enemy castle.
Q: How do we know who the enemy keeps are?
A: Keeps that are on the enemy server will be black and red, anyone whose castle is the opposite color of yours is an enemy.
Q: What is the red bubble?
A: When you first land on the enemy server you get a 5-minute bubble on the enemy server before you can be attacked. While you are on the enemy server your sub-cities get a red bubble.
Q: What is the green bubble?
A: R4/R5 may bubble up to three people a day in their alliance, four people total over three days by paying gems.
Q: What happens if we lose our throne?
A: The enemy server becomes "king" of your server. If you lose both thrones half your points are added to the enemy server and you automatically lose SVS. This score change does not occur until the end of SVS.
Q: Who becomes king of the enemy server?
A: First player into the throne will become king once the timer hits zero. This can be reassigned.
Q: Who becomes king of your own server?
A: R5 of the occupying alliance becomes king of your own server. This can NOT be reassigned except by changing R5.
Q: Does conquering the enemy throne count towards Monarch's Glory (gold wings?)
A: Yes
Q: What happens if someone occupies our temples until conquered?
A: Each temple conquered gives the conquering server a buff and the conquered server a debuff.
Q: Can we conquer our own temples?
A: No, you cannot conquer your own temples.
Q: The temple timer isn't moving, what do we do?
A: Only the listed occupying player on the enemy server can move the timer. Put 5 million power worth of troops including the general and the timer will start moving.
Q: Do we need to conquer a temple all at once?
A: No, the timer is cumulative.
Q: How do I unlock Server Ares Achievement and blue wings?
A: End the war scoring in the top 5 of the server war, NOT the server monarch competition.
Q: How do I unlock the blue dragon?
A: Build your Wonder 1 and level the Norway Ridge dragon to at least level six
Q: How do I get points?
A: The biggest source of points you can get is killing enemy troops. Visiting faeries and Ares statutes gives you a small number of points. Holding temples and enemy throne (first in) can also give a comparatively high amount of points if the enemy server is not fighting very hard. Lastly, killing enemy bosses on the enemy server will give you points.
Q: How are points distributed in a rally?
A: Points in a rally are based solely on how many troops you've personally killed, which can feel somewhat random.
Q: Do I need to participate in the server war?
A: No, server war is optional but does give very good rewards. If you don't want to participate then put up a three day bubble.
Q: Can we do undead and world boss during SVS?
A: Sure, you could also wait until after SVS ends which is probably a good idea.
Q: Is SVS fun?
A: Oh yes. Very fun.
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