NERFPLZ.Evony Best Castle Decoration for SVS and Hide Your Real Level | NERFPLZ.Evony

Best Castle Decoration for SVS and Hide Your Real Level

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Pay to win...DECORATION? 

Today I want to show you the strongest decoration in the game, one that's relatively new and you may not have heard...the Beast Bones decoration.

Pay to win...DECORATION?

Today I want to show you the strongest decoration in the game, one that's relatively new and you may not have heard...the Beast Bones decoration.

What makes this decoration so special? If you look to the lower right-hand corner of the decoration, it covers up the right part of your name, making it difficult to see and thus concealing the latter half of your name. Why is this important you might ask?

Flip Your Name

Using a special language character, it's possible to flip your name and put your keep level at the end of your name instead of the beginning. Using the special character below, you can put a keep level of your choice at the beginning of your name and hide your keep level at the end...

اLv 32 Name

For example, if you were K40 your new name would be Lv 32 Name اK40. Now by itself, this isn't all that sneaky since the true level can still be seen at the end of the name.

Final Piece of the Puzzle

Now for the final piece of the puzzle...the Golden Castle Decoration, a decoration granted to coiners for spending a medium amount of money, but not available on all servers. Now, we're suddenly given the sneakiest level rename in all of Evony as pictured below.

Enemy SVS Castle

Even while you're on the enemy castle this works, although with other 2x2 castles the line oddly still doesn't cover the end of your name even though the castle model should be the same on the enemy server.

Happy Hunting and make sure to share this tip with your alliance mates!

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